I want to modify the content of script element if it doesn't refer the other js file.
This is my code.
if let Some(element) = script_element.as_element() {
let mut attributes = element.attributes.borrow_mut(); // Borrow the attributes
// Look up the `src` attribute
if let Some(src) = attributes.get("src").map(|attr| attr.to_string()) {
if !server_domain.is_empty() {
let absolute_src = to_absolute_url(&src, mcop_href, &base_url);
let modified_src = modify_url(&absolute_src, &server_domain);
attributes.insert("src", modified_src);
} else {
let old_content = script.as_node().to_string();
let new_content = js_replacer::replace_js_code(&old_content);
// Modify the script's text content
if let Some(text_node) = script_element.as_text() {
In this code, there's a borrow error when I try to get the content of element.
This is the error content.
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at C:\Users\USER\.cargo\registry\src\index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f\kuchiki-0.8.1\src\serializer.rs:20:52:
already mutably borrowed: BorrowError
How can I fix this error?