How to add smoothness to collision handling?

I'm using macroquad.
Here is a minimal example:

use macroquad::prelude::*;
use macroquad::rand::{gen_range};

fn resolve_circle_circle_collision(circle1: &mut Circle, circle2: &mut Circle) {
let direction = circle1.pos - circle2.pos; // Direction vector
let min_distance = circle1.radius + circle2.radius; // Minimum distance (sum of radii)
let distance = circle1.pos.distance(circle2.pos); // Current distance between centers

if distance < min_distance && distance > 0.0 { // Check if the current distance is less than the minimum distance
let overlap = min_distance - distance; // Calculate intersection, solves the problem of jerking during collision
let displacement = direction.normalize_or_zero() * overlap / 2.; // Calculate how much to move in the direction

circle1.pos += displacement * get_frame_time(); // Move smoothly because frame time is used

In essence, the direction vector multiplied by the frame time gives the desired effect:

displacement * get_frame_time()

However, if you add mouse movement to the equation:

circle1.pos += direction * circle1.velocity * get_frame_time();

Then everything breaks, I don't know what to do with it anymore.. In the original, I added an interpolation factor in the range [0; 1] which increases by N * frame time.
And it turns out displacement * factor - it works, but not ideal. Apparently my gaps in knowledge do not allow me to see an obvious solution to the problem, if there is one. P.S.: I can record a video if needed

Full example:

fn resolve_circle_circle_collision(circle1: &mut Circle, circle2: &mut Circle) {
    let direction = circle1.pos - circle2.pos; // Direction vector
    let min_distance = circle1.radius + circle2.radius; // Minimum distance (sum of radii)
    let distance = circle1.pos.distance(circle2.pos); // Current distance between centers

    if distance < min_distance && distance > 0.0 { // Check if the current distance is less than the minimum distance
        let overlap = min_distance - distance; // Calculate intersection, solves the problem of jerking during collision
        let displacement = direction.normalize_or_zero() * overlap / 2.; // Calculate how much to move in the direction

        circle1.pos += displacement * get_frame_time(); // Move smoothly because frame time is used

struct Circle {
    pos: Vec2,
    radius: f32,
    velocity: f32

struct Rect {
    pos: Vec2,
    dimensions: Vec2

async fn main() {

    let mut camera = Camera2D {

    let mut circles = vec![];

    for _ in 0..20 {
        circles.push(vec2(gen_range(-500., 500.), gen_range(-500., 500.)));

    let mut player = Circle {
        pos: Vec2::ZERO - 0.1,
        radius: 100.,
        velocity: 300.

    let mut player2 = Circle {
        pos: Vec2::ZERO,
        radius: 100.,
        velocity: 300.

    let mut rect = Rect {
        pos: vec2(0., 0.),
        dimensions: vec2(300., 100.),

    loop {

        camera.zoom = vec2(ZOOM / screen_width(), ZOOM / screen_height());


        for c in &circles {
            draw_circle(c.x, c.y, 60., RED);

        let mouse = camera.screen_to_world(vec2(mouse_position().0, mouse_position().1));
        let direction = (mouse - player.pos).normalize_or_zero();

        resolve_circle_circle_collision(&mut player, &mut player2);

        player.pos += direction * player.velocity * get_frame_time();

        draw_rectangle(rect.pos.x, rect.pos.y, rect.dimensions.x, rect.dimensions.y, GREEN);
        // draw_rectangle(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.dimensions.x, player.dimensions.y, GREEN);

        draw_circle(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.radius, PURPLE);
        draw_circle(player2.pos.x, player2.pos.y, player2.radius, PURPLE);


        draw_text(&get_fps().to_string(), screen_width() - 50., 30.0, 30.0, BLUE);


I think you’ll have to be a bit more specific. Where is mouse movement applied and how? In

you only use existing variables, assuming that direction is still the direction to circle1 from circle2. (If so, it’s not normalized there so the velocity will be linear to the distance between the circles which may certainly give strange results.)

let mouse = camera.screen_to_world(vec2(mouse_position().0, mouse_position().1));
        let direction = (mouse - player.pos).normalize_or_zero();

        // resolve_circle_rect_collision(&mut player, &rect);
        resolve_circle_circle_collision(&mut player, &mut player2, &camera);

        player.pos += direction * player.velocity * get_frame_time();

i add full code in question