How to access Global Varaible

Sorry for not making it clear. I have re-written the code and let me know how to achieve this:

mod my_module {

    pub struct Foo {
        id: usize,
    impl Foo {
        pub fn new(id: usize) -> Self {
            // I shouldn't pass the Collection struct, as the user doesn't know about Collection.
            let foo_obj = Self { id };
            // I need to some how append foo_obj to Collection struct collection.foos.push(foo_obj).

    // Returns number of total foos from the Collection
    pub fn total_foos() ->usize{
        // return the total foos

    // Collects Foos
    struct Collection {
        foos: Vec<Foo>,
    impl Collection {
        fn len(&self) -> usize {
    impl Default for Collection {
        fn default() -> Self {
            Self { foos: Vec::new() }
fn main() {
    use my_module::{Foo,total_foos};
    let foo_value = Foo::new(5); // As a user of my_module, I need not care about Collection
    let foo1_value=Foo::new(3);
    println!("Total foos are {}",total_foos()) // Should tell there are two foos