How Rust works in Windows?

How to send an alert about panic ( It is not Okay.) to user before closing command line window (terminal) ?

Here my axial solution. Is there a more elegant way ?

fn main() {
   if ... {
       println!(   "Not found ... (Enter to Close)")  ; // Need attention before closing
       let mut my_msg = &mut String::new();  
       std::io::stdin().read_line(  &mut my_msg) .unwrap()    ; // dont want to create a   String
       return;   // how to keep the black terminal open in Windows ? need pause
//   . . .
//   . . .

I would just use read_line like what you are doing here.

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If you want to keep the terminal from closing you can do something like this:

fn main() {
    pause_before_close("Press enter to exit");

/// If the Windows terminal would close immediately then insert a pause.
fn pause_before_close(message: &str) {
	use std::ffi::c_void;
	use std::io::{self, stdin, Read};
	use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;

	const FILE_TYPE_CHAR: u32 = 2;
	#[link(name = "kernel32")]
	extern "system" {
		fn GetFileType(hFile: *mut c_void) -> u32;
		fn GetConsoleProcessList(processList: *mut u32, count: u32) -> u32;
	// Make sure stdin and stdout look like Windows console handles.
	let is_console_stdio = unsafe {
		GetFileType(io::stdout().as_raw_handle()) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR
			&& GetFileType(io::stdin().as_raw_handle()) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR
	// Test if we're the only process running in the terminal.
	let is_standalone = unsafe {
		let mut buffer = [0u32; 1];
		let count = GetConsoleProcessList(buffer.as_mut_ptr(), 1);
		count == 1
	// If we're using console handles and we're the only process running in the terminal
	// then the terminal will exit immediately unless we pause.
	if is_console_stdio && is_standalone {
		println!("{}", message);
fn pause_before_close(_message: &str) {}
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