How it will be on Rust?

Could anybody help to convert next code to idiomatic Rust code?

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
    long r = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
            r = (r + (i * j) % 100) % 47;
    cout << "answer: " << r << endl;
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I think this is the same. Didn't run your C++ code. Answer supposed to be 39?

fn main() {
    let count = 10_000;
    let mut r = 0;
    for i in 0..count {
        for j in 0..count {
            r = (r + (i * j) % 100) % 47;

    println!("{:?}", r);


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Or, if you like functional programming:

fn main() {
    let r = (0..10_000).fold(0, |r, i| {
        (0..10_000).fold(r, |r, j| {
            (r + (i * j) % 100) % 47
    println!("answer: {}", r);

And if you are willing to use an external library and risk an integer overflow...

extern crate itertools;
use std::iter::AdditiveIterator;

fn main() {
    let r = iproduct!(0..10_000, 0..10_000).map(|(i, j)| {
        (i * j) % 100
    }).sum() % 47;
    println!("answer: {}", r);
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