How does this function increase refcount?

unsafe fn increase_refcount<T: ArcWake>(data: *const ()) {
    // Retain Arc, but don't touch refcount by wrapping in ManuallyDrop
    let arc = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::<T>::from_raw(data.cast::<T>()));
    // Now increase refcount, but don't drop new refcount either
    let _arc_clone: mem::ManuallyDrop<_> = arc.clone();

I am a bit baffled by what is going on here. The current best approximation is:

  1. normally, when arc and _arc_clone gets dropped, the ref count goes -1

  2. the first ManuallyDrop prevents arc drop handler from being called

  3. the scond ManuallyDrop prevents _arc_clone drop handler from being called

  4. the arc.clone() line is where the count is actually incremented

Is this what is going on? If so, does this look a bit convoluted? I feel like there might be a more straight forward way to express this.

Arc::increment_strong_count can also be used here, which does the same thing. It might be the case that this method was not available at the time.


That's RAII for you.

Going back in time before ManuallyDrop

// cast added 1.38, from_raw needs 1.17
let arc = Arc::from_raw(data as *const T));
let arc_clone = arc.clone();
std::mem::forget(arc_clone); // could just make into one liner without added variable
std::mem::forget(arc); // still have the arc from prior into_raw stored in data

I actually find this impl clearer. I think the thing that threw me off was the name ManuallyDrop. Perhaps if it was named IgnoreDrop or DontAutoDrop, it would be clearer.

I get that ManuallyDrop signifies: it's your job to manually call drop on it if you want to call drop; but still adjusting to the naming.

The problem with explicit forget is that it's not unwind-safe. This might not actually be a problem in this particular piece of code, but in general, in the presence of unsafe, calling too many destructors because forget() wasn't invoked due to a panic is a real problem.

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Can you provide a minimal example of when forget is a problem but ManuallyDrop "works" ?


let resource = get_resource();
let managed_ptr = resource.get();
unsafe {
    // if this panics, `resource.drop()` is called: potential double free
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In the same file, there’s a good example

unsafe fn wake_by_ref_arc_raw<T: ArcWake>(data: *const ()) {
    // Retain Arc, but don't touch refcount by wrapping in ManuallyDrop
    let arc = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::<T>::from_raw(data.cast::<T>()));

It that was instead

unsafe fn wake_by_ref_arc_raw<T: ArcWake>(data: *const ()) {
    let arc = Arc::<T>::from_raw(data.cast::<T>());

then the created Arc would be dropped when the ArcWake::wake_by_ref call panics, which could easily cause use-after-free errors or similar down the line.

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@H2CO3 @steffahn : Thanks for the examples.

So the highlight is:

a1: let x = ... ;
a2: let x = ManuallyDrop::new(x);
a3-a:10: do stuff with x
b1: let x = ...;
b2: // 
b3-b10: do stuff with x
b11: std::mem::forget(x)

To exec the drop handler in ManuallyDrop, we need something bad to happen between a1-a2; while an unwind happening in a3-a10 won't effect it.

To exec the drop handler in std::mem::forget; if an unwind happens in b3-b10, that suffices.

This is the main distinction ?

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