How do you use tokio::select with async_stream?

I've been trying for hours, but to no awail. Every stream returned through the async_stream macro has to be pinned either through pin_mut! or Box::pin, only to become completely useless whenever you need to listen for something other than this stream alone with tokio::select.

let listener = Listener::new(socket).await?;
let stream =;

while let Some(data) = {
  // great, the data is owned, and you can do
  // whatever needs to be done with it

But the following completely messes up any plans you might have about using it:

let (t, mut s) = join(G::tracer(), G::signals()).await;

let listener = Listener::new(socket).await?;
let stream =;

loop {
  tokio::select! {
    // s is a Tokio WatchStream, working great
    Some(Signal::Interruption) = => {
      trace!(t, "interrupted");
    // stream is an "-> impl Stream<Item = ...>,
    // created through the async_stream::stream! macro
    Some(data) = => {
      // data is behind a shared reference,
      // best of luck trying to use it

I tried to use regular Tokio wrappers, spending a ton of time mapping channel's data through the futures crate only to discover that it create additional mess of the sort of AndThen<futures::Stream<AndThen<tokio_stream::Stream<..., which is also unusable, as it doesn't satisfy any traits that are supposed to be satisfied for the stream to be used as Iterator.

What am I doing wrong? I'm beyond any frustration at this point.

Can you please post the error you get from your select code? I don't understand how you ended up with data being behind an immutable reference.

Exactly my question as well. Here you go:

With no "pin_mut!"
let (t, mut s) = join(G::tracer(), G::signals()).await;

let listener = Listener::new(socket).await?;
let stream =;
// pin_mut!(stream);

loop {
  tokio::select! {
    Some(Signal::Interruption) = => {
      trace!(t, "interrupted");
    Some(data) = => {


the method `poll` exists for struct `std::pin::Pin<&mut tokio_stream::stream_ext::next::Next<'_, impl tokio_stream::Stream>>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`impl tokio_stream::Stream: std::marker::Unpin`
which is required by `tokio_stream::stream_ext::next::Next<'_, impl tokio_stream::Stream>: futures::Future`


`std::future::from_generator::GenFuture<[static generator@/home/.cargo/registry/src/ 201:67]>` cannot be unpinned
consider using `Box::pin`
required because it appears within the type `impl futures::Future`
required because it appears within the type `impl tokio_stream::Stream`

And the other case:

With "pin_mut!"
let (t, mut s) = join(G::tracer(), G::signals()).await;

let listener = Listener::new(socket).await?;
let stream =;

loop {
  tokio::select! {
    Some(Signal::Interruption) = => {
      trace!(t, "interrupted");
    Some(mut data) = => {
      // nope


cannot move out of a shared reference[522, 39]: Actual error occurred here[560, 9]: Error originated from macro call here[575, 9]: Error originated from macro call here[575, 9]: Error originated from macro call here[599, 9]: Error originated from macro call here[42, 10]: data moved here 
// ^ the source line "Some(mut data) = => {"

Please post the full error as printed by cargo build.

Here you go:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of a shared reference
  --> src/
37 | /   tokio::select! {
38 | |     Some(Signal::Interruption) = => {
39 | |       trace!(t, "interrupted");
40 | |       break;
41 | |     }
42 | |     Some(mut data) = => {
   | |          --------
   | |          |
   | |          data moved here
   | |          move occurs because `data` has type `WebSocketStream<tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream<tokio::net::TcpStream>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
...  |
45 | |     }
46 | |   }
   | |___^
   = note: this error originates in the macro `$crate::select` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

I'm confused, but try removing the mut marker?

That works, but I can't do much with an immutable borrow. Why does this work just fine?

let listener = Listener::new(socket).await?;
let stream =;

while let Some(mut data) = {
  // no problem

You can add this line as the first thing in the select! macro:

let mut data = data;

Please file a bug about this.

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Jesus, was that all that was required? For the love of all that is holy, THANK YOU. That was much easier than I could have ever thought. Where does this come from, though? And how am I able to mutably access something that's supposed to be behind an immutable reference?

I'll file a bug report right away. And thank you a ton once again.

It's not actually behind an immutable reference. The macro is making an immutable reference to it somewhere internally and something went wrong with that reference - not sure what.

Changing mutability of something you have ownership of is always possible.

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