How do I find the minimum element in a vector

Okay, the question is a little more complicated because it has some constraints. So here they are:

  1. The vector is immutable
  2. The elements don't implement copy (so you need to take ownership of them to return the minimum)
  3. The elements are comparable with a f32

Here's what I've tried:

  1. std::vec::Vec implements sort_by which is good enough because my vecs are usually small. I can just use partial_cmp to compare f32s. But unfortunately due to (1), the vector is immutable and sort_by is in-place. So this won't work
  2. There's vec.iter().min_by_key(|x| x.my_f32) but f32 doesn't implement Ord (it implements PartialOrd) so Rust complains about a type mismatch.

So I've come up with this monstrosity, which works but seems like a huge amount of code to do something simple:

struct MyStruct {my_f32: f32}

// Takes ownership of my_vec and returns its smallest element (or None if the list is empty).
fn find_min(my_vec: Vec<MyStruct>) -> Option<MyStruct> {
    let mut min: Option<MyStruct> = None;
    for element in my_vec {
        min = match min {
            None => {
            Some(min) => {
                if element.my_f32 < min.my_f32 {
                } else {

There has to be something I'm stupidly overlooking. Does anyone have an idea about how this can be simplified?

The function you've written takes ownership of the vector, so immutability or not is irrelevant: you could change it to mut my_vec: Vec<MyStruct> and the callers wouldn't know the difference.

However, the O(n log n) cost of a full sort is not great. An alternative to what you've written is a fold:

my_vec.into_iter().fold(None, |min, x| match min {
    None => Some(x),
    Some(y) => Some(if x.my_f32 < y.my_f32 { x } else { y }),

I guess there is the better variant with fold():

if my_vec.is_empty() { None } else {
    let min = my_vec.iter().skip(1).fold(my_vec[0], |min, &x| if x.my_f32  < min.my_f32  { x } else { min });
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You can also use Iterator::min_by:

my_vec.into_iter().min_by(|a, b|

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