How do I change the position of the circle in macroquad

MY code:

// Importing crate
use macroquad::*;

async fn main() {
    // loop is essential for program 
    // NEED
    loop {

        const RHO: f64 = 28.0;
        const BETA: f64 = 8.0/3.0;
        const SIGMA: f64 = 10.0;

        let color = BLACK;

        let x = 0.0;
        let y = 0.1;
        let z = 0.0;
        let mut dx_dt = SIGMA * (y - x);
        let mut dy_dt = x * (RHO - z) - y;
        let mut _dz_dt = x * y - BETA * z;

        draw_circle((dx_dt as f32) + 100.0, (dy_dt as f32) + 50.0, 10.0, color);

So I am working on a 2D implementation of the lorenz attractor using the macroquad library
But the problem is when the circle is drawn it just drawn once but I have to draw it a lot of times run the program yourself and you will see just on circle.

So what should I do

And if you are asking why I am making it in 2d is because macroquad doesn't has good options for 3D things so I did 2d.

Help_me("please", 'P');

You mean the circle isn’t moving? That’s because the position you calculate is the same every single frame. If you do something like—I don’t know—maybe let x = get_time(); instead of let x = 0.0, then you’ll see that stuff is happening.

Your x, y, and z are the same each loop.
If you send a number into your loop, you can use that number to modify your x, y, or z.
As an example, the variable "i" sent into this loop is 1 the first loop, 2 the second loop, and so on. Then you can use the "i" inside the loop to change x, y, or z. I use 'i" do modify "x" below.

// Importing crate
use macroquad::*;

async fn main() {
    // loop is essential for program
    // NEED
    for i in 0..1_000_000 {

        const RHO: f64 = 28.0;
        const BETA: f64 = 8.0 / 3.0;
        const SIGMA: f64 = 10.0;

        let color = BLACK;

        let x = (i as f64 / 13.0).sin();
        let y = 0.1;
        let z = 0.0;

        let mut dx_dt = SIGMA * (y - x);
        let mut dy_dt = x * (RHO - z) - y;
        let mut _dz_dt = x * y - BETA * z;

        draw_circle((dx_dt as f32) + 100.0, (dy_dt as f32) + 50.0, 10.0, color);


Oh no I meant that the circle stays at one position but I need many circles not move the singular circles but have plural circles

and is there any library made for animation??

I cam up with another code but that jut draws a damn line.

use macroquad::*;

fn canvas() -> Vec<i64>{
    let mut can: Vec<i64> = Vec::new();
    for i in 1..401 {
    return can;

fn code () -> Vec<[f64;3]>{

    let mut x = 0.01;
    let mut y = 0.0;
    let mut z = 0.0;

    let canv = canvas();
    let sigma = 10.0;
    let rho = 28.0;
    let bet: f64 = 8.0 / 3.0;

    // Lorenz equations

    // let mut row = Vec::new();
    let dx_dt = sigma * (y - x);
    let dy_dt = x * (rho - z) - y;
    let dz_dt = x * y - bet * z;

    let mut res: Vec<[f64;3]> = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..1301 {

        x += dx_dt;
        // derivatives as vec


async fn main() {
    // loop is essential for program
    // NEED
    loop {
        let lor = code();
        for i in lor  {
            let x = i[0];
            let y = i[1];

            draw_circle(x as f32 + 200.0, y as f32 + 100.0, 3.0,RED);

            // println!("x: {}, y: {}",x,y);

PLease tell me what is wrong

I haven't tested this code, but I would believe that your line is probably just a lot of circles arranged in a line with small offsets. I don't think that you have any problems with the library but instead that your code just doesn't produce the thing you want.

I haven't got the time to give any detailed advice right now, but you might want to look into how to solve differential equations numerically or what kind of Rust libraries/crates might already exist for this. As for existing crates, I've searched a bit and found for example this one - no idea how easy to use that is though.

hmmmmm ??

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