How can we get previous rust compiler API docs locally?

There is an officially hosted website for latest rustc internal APIs:

But I can't find the same docs on local path where std doc locates. Like in the folder ~/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2024-10-12-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/share/doc/rust/html/.

The internal API docs are specific to local toolchain. How can we get them?

I find the command rustup doc is helpful to open the content in that folder, but there isn't an argument for rustc API docs.

$ rustup doc --help
Open the documentation for the current toolchain

Usage: rustup doc [OPTIONS] [topic]

  [topic]  Topic such as 'core', 'fn', 'usize', 'eprintln!', 'core::arch', 'alloc::format!', 'std::fs', 'std::fs::read_dir', 'std::io::Bytes', 'std::iter::Sum',
           'std::io::error::Result' etc...

      --path                   Only print the path to the documentation
      --toolchain <toolchain>  Toolchain name, such as 'stable', 'nightly', or '1.8.0'. For more information see `rustup help toolchain`
      --alloc                  The Rust core allocation and collections library
      --book                   The Rust Programming Language book
      --cargo                  The Cargo Book
      --core                   The Rust Core Library
      --edition-guide          The Rust Edition Guide
      --nomicon                The Dark Arts of Advanced and Unsafe Rust Programming
      --proc_macro             A support library for macro authors when defining new macros
      --reference              The Rust Reference
      --rust-by-example        A collection of runnable examples that illustrate various Rust concepts and standard libraries
      --rustc                  The compiler for the Rust programming language
      --rustdoc                Documentation generator for Rust projects
      --std                    Standard library API documentation
      --test                   Support code for rustc's built in unit-test and micro-benchmarking framework
      --unstable-book          The Unstable Book
      --embedded-book          The Embedded Rust Book
  -h, --help                   Print help

    Opens the documentation for the currently active toolchain with
    the default browser.

    By default, it opens the documentation index. Use the various
    flags to open specific pieces of documentation.

I thought rustc-dev component would include the API docs, which rustup book says:

  • rustc-dev — This component contains the compiler as a library. Most users will not need this; it is only needed for development of tools that link to the compiler, such as making modifications to Clippy.

src: Components - The rustup book

there's a rustc-doc-TRIPLET in the output of rustup component list, but it's not listed in the rustup book, I'm guessing that might contain the internal documentation, but I didn't install it because it conflicts with rust-docs. you can check it out yourself.

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Thank you for reminding me of rustup component list!

I managed to get rustc-docs by running rustup component add rustc-docs-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.

As a reminder, I came arocss the error: failed to install component: 'rustc-docs-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', detected conflict: 'share/doc/rust/html/rustc', because the folder has already contained a rustc subdirectory for rustc book. I removed the rustc subdirectory manually since I don't need it. Then I ran the above command, and successfully got rustc internal docs.

The conflict is a known bug for years: