How can one "Set if unset"

One more awkward beginner-question please!

struct MyStruct {
  s: Option<String>

impl MyStruct {
  fn setIfUnset(&mut self) {
    match &mut self.s {
      & mut Some(ref s) => { /* omitted here */}
      & mut None => {
         self.s = Some(String::from(" I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud "))

Compiler claims an error:
& mut None => self.s = Some(String::from(" I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud "))
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment to borrowed self.s occurs here

But how am I supposed to set "self.s" in the case, it is none?
"self.s is borrowed" - OK. But how can I access this borrow?


You can bind to the matched pattern like so:

    match &mut self.s {
      & mut Some(ref s) => { /* omitted here */}
      s @ & mut None => {
         *s = Some(String::from(" I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud "))

Also consider using Option::get_or_insert_with:

fn setIfUnset(&mut self) {
            .get_or_insert_with(|| String::from(" I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud "));
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I love you guys! :slight_smile:

Documented in Match expressions - The Rust Reference
