How can I return a filter or map from a function?

I feel like I must be missing something obvious but despite reading tons of docs I have not been able to get this to work. Here's what I'm trying to do:

pub async fn messages(&self) -> Map {
    .pubsub // pubsub is type tokio::broadcast::Sender<SomeType>

so that I then have a simple API to call elsewhere:

let stream = foo
  .map(|data| match data {
    // process the messages

This code works when it's called directly (foo.pubsub.subscribe().into_stream().map() etc) but how can I get the return type correct so that I can move this into a method? What am I missing?

You want the impl Trait syntax.

pub async fn messages(&self) -> impl Stream<Item = SomeType> {
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Thanks @alice! For anyone else that stumbles onto this and still gets an error for expected opaque type, found X it's because I had an extraneous async in this example. messages doesn't need to be async here.

Good point!

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