let root_store = RootCertStore::add(/* i want to add &[u8] of a raw der here*/);
also how can i connect to my designated server without this weird "server name" or dns, i just want to import a self signed cert and connect to my private server via ip
let server_name = "www.rust-lang.org".try_into()?;
let conn = rustls::ClientConnection::new(Arc::new(config), server_name)?;
let sock = TcpStream::connect(addr)?;
let tls = rustls::StreamOwned::new(conn, sock);
Ok(TlsStream { stream: tls })
let der_bytes: &[u8] = include_bytes!("my_cert.der").as_slice();
let cert = CertificateDer::from(der_bytes).unwrap();
let mut certs = RootCertStore::empty();
let config = ClientConfig::builder().with_root_certificates(certs);
You can replace include_bytes! with std::fs::read if you want to read the certificate at runtime instead of compile time.