Help for my parallel sum

@kornel I don't think that dependency is specially painful in Java, D, Kotlin...

Anyway we can discuss hours but I don' know how I can change my mind because the more I use Rust, the more I'm convinced. This is just my opinion. Downloading tons of crates to achieve a simple task is not my vision of simplicity specially when it comes to use an external crate to fulfill a simple requirement :wink:

Coming back to my problem, the most I can achieve without an external crate is:

fn parallel_sum<T>(v: Vec<T>, nb_threads: usize) -> T
    T: 'static + Send + Sync + Debug + AddAssign + Default + Copy,
    // this vector will hold created threads
    let mut threads = Vec::new();

    // need to arced the vector to share it
    let arced = Arc::new(v);

    // this channel will be use to send values (partial sums) for threads
    let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::<T>();

    // create requested number of threads
    for thread_number in 0..nb_threads {
        // increment ref count, will be moved into the thread
        let arced_cloned = arced.clone();

        // each thread gets its invidual sender
        let thread_sender = sender.clone();

        // create thread and save ID for future join
        let child = thread::spawn(move || {
            // initialize partial sum
            let mut partial_sum: T = T::default();

            // this line doesn't compile:
            // partial_sum = arced_cloned.into_iter().sum();

            // trivial old style loop
            for i in 0..arced_cloned.len() {
                if i % nb_threads == thread_number {
                    partial_sum += *arced_cloned.get(i).unwrap();

            // send our result to main thread
            // print out partial sum
                "thread #{}, partial_sum of modulo {:?} = {:?}",
                thread_number, thread_number, partial_sum
        // save thread ID
    // wait for children threads to finish
    for child in threads {
        let _ = child.join();
    // terminate sender and get final sum

    let mut total_sum = T::default();
    for _ in 0..nb_threads {
        // main thread receives the partial sum from threads
        let partial_sum = receiver.recv().unwrap();

        // and get the final total sum
        total_sum += partial_sum

Probably sup-optimal but compiling and working. I found it incredibly painful for sharing an immutable value, not even touching mutation.

Thanks to @cuviper and this thread Why does thread::spawn need static lifetime for generic bounds? - #2 by lambda for a better understanding.