Getter for nested structs with option fields

Hi folks,

I'm after the most idiomatic way to write a getter for a structs like this:

struct Third {
    foobar: Option<String>,

struct Second {
    bar: Option<Third>,

struct First {
    foo: Option<Second>,

fn main() {
    let first = First {
        foo: Some(Second {
            bar: Some(Third {
                foobar: Some("something".to_owned()),

Writing a getter for the First isn't fun:

impl First {
    fn foobar(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        match & {
            &None => None,
            &Some(ref foo) => match & {
                &None => None,
                &Some(ref bar) => match &bar.foobar {
                    &None => None,
                    &Some(ref foobar) => Some(foobar),

I could also use a question mark but then I'd have to write a getter for each struct, not just the parent:

impl Third {
    fn foobar(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        match &self.foobar {
            &None => None,
            &Some(ref foobar) => Some(foobar),
impl Second {
    fn bar(&self) -> Option<&Third> {
        match & {
            &None => None,
            &Some(ref bar) => Some(bar),
impl First {
    fn foo(&self) -> Option<&Second> {
        match & {
            &None => None,
            &Some(ref foo) => Some(foo),
    fn foobar(&self) -> Option<&str> {

Is there an easier way?

Thank you.

I would write it like this

impl First {
    fn foobar(&self) -> Option<&str> {

This is great! Thank you so much @Bruecki

You can also write this as a single match:

impl First {
    fn foobar(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        match {
            Some(Second {
                bar: Some(Third {
                    foobar: Some(ref foobar),
            }) => Some(&foobar),
            _ => None,

I wouldn’t recommend this over Option::as_ref() specifically, but it might be helpful if you have to access enums that aren't Option.

(If your structs have more fields, use , .. } in the struct pattern to ignore them.)

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