Generic Sum Impl

Hey, I was wondering why we don't have something like this (from looking at the docs for std::iter::Sum):

impl<T> Sum<T> for T where T: Add<T>

I would have thought such a thing should be straightforward to implement, and powerful!

You also need a zero.


Gah, fair point. I suppose that Sum could in theory make use of some Zero trait to do this (and have impl<T> Sum for T where T: Add + Zero), but by that point it's hardly more work to type out an impl for Sum.

You can "fake" a zero with Default but that's bending things a bit and may yield incorrect results for some types.

Agreed, I don't think Default should be reliably interpreted as a zero!

So Default hacks aside, most people use the num crate for this: It defines a Zero trait, amongst other things.


Iterator::Sum has been through a few different bounds; if you look in the past you'll find (never-stabilized) things like std::num::Zero - Rust

One could also do something like

use std::ops::Add;
fn sum1<T:Add<Output=T>,I:Iterator<Item=T>>(mut it: I) -> Option<T> {
    if let Some(init) = {
        Some(it.fold(init, Add::add))
    } else {
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I think a one liner like|x| it.fold(x, Add::add)) would work as well.