Generic bound enabled by feature

I have a feature that requires adding a bound to many functions. Something like this:

fn function<T>(_: &T)
    T: SomeTrait

Without the feature I do not want that bound. Right now the only way I know how to make this happen is by coping the function twice:

fn function<T>(_: &T) {}

fn function<T>(_: &T)
    T: SomeTrait

But this requires loads of code duplication. There should be a way to do this better. Is there?

I think I could do this:

trait MaybeBounds {}

impl<T: SomeTrait> MaybeBounds for T {}

impl<T> MaybeBounds for T {}

fn function<T>(_: &T)
    T: MaybeBounds

Or like:

trait MaybeBounds: SomeTrait {}

trait MaybeBounds {}

But that would make the function signatures maybe misleading. Is this the only way to do it? (other than macros :slight_smile: )

You could

fn _function<T>(_: &T) {

pub fn function<T>(a: &T) {

pub fn function<T>(a: &T) where T: SomeTrait {

That makes it better if the function bodies are big but in this case, imagine loads of small functions.

It would be good if something like this would be possible:

fn function<T>(_: &T)
    T: SomeTrait

If the bounds are simple enough, you can

pub fn function<
    #[cfg(feature="add_bound")] T: SomeTrait,
    #[cfg(not(feature="add_bound"))] T,
>(_: &T) {

I don't know if there are any specific reasons for not accepting attributes on where clause items.

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This works! Thank you very much.

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