Futures: skip items from stream until first non-error and keep it

I'm trying to implement routine that keeps trying different hosts from a list until one of them responds using futures. ConnectError here just means "retry". What I came up with is the following code (simplified). Is there any better way to achieve this? Using skip_while doesn't seem to help because it produces bool and I need the Response for later use.

struct Response { ok: bool }

struct ConnectError {}

struct ResponseError {}

fn post(port: u16, try: usize)
-> impl Future<Item=Response, Error=ConnectError> {
    println!("posting to {}, take #{}", port, try);
    if port == 8765 && try == 3 {
        futures::future::ok( Response { ok: true } )
    } else {
        futures::future::err( ConnectError {} )

fn process_response(resp: Response)
-> impl Future<Item=(), Error=ResponseError> {
    if resp.ok {
        futures::future::ok( () )
    } else {
        futures::future::err( ResponseError {} )

fn main() {
    let tuples = (1..10).flat_map(
        |i| [8764, 8765, 8766].iter().map(move |p| (i, *p))
    let round_robin = futures::stream::iter_ok::<_, ConnectError>(tuples)
        .and_then(|(i, p)| post(p, i))
        .inspect_err(|conn_err| println!("{:?}", conn_err))
        .then(|result| futures::future::ok(result))
        .filter_map(|result| result.ok())
        .and_then(|response| process_response(response)
            .map_err(|resp_err| println!("{:?}", resp_err))
        .fold((), |(), ()| futures::future::ok(()));