Futures chaining try to return impl Future but failed

Hi Jonh, thank you for your reply.
Could you please be more specific on Your code tries to return two that are different, could you point out which two that I try to return?

I changed client2 mod as following:

use std::time::Duration;
use std::fmt::Write as FmtWrite;
use std::io::Error;

use url::percent_encoding::{percent_encode, QUERY_ENCODE_SET};
use actix_web::{client, Body, Binary, HttpMessage};
use actix_web::http::Method;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use futures::future::{Future, ok, err};
use actix_web::client::{ClientResponse, ClientConnector, Connect};

pub struct MyError<'a>(&'a str);

pub fn get<'a>(url: &'a str, params: &HashMap<&str, &str>) -> impl Future<Item=String, Error=MyError<'a>> {
    req(url, params, Method::GET)

fn req<'a>(url: &'a str, params: &HashMap<&str, &str>, method: Method) -> impl Future<Item=String, Error=MyError<'a>> {
    let mut combined_params = String::with_capacity(1024);
    for (key, value) in params {
        let value = percent_encode(value.as_bytes(), QUERY_ENCODE_SET).to_string();
        let _ = write!(&mut combined_params, "{}={}&", key, value);

    let mut builder = client::ClientRequest::build();
    builder.timeout(Duration::new(6, 0));
    if method == Method::POST {
    } else {
    let result = builder
        .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8")
    let c = match result {
        Ok(c) => c,
        Err(e) => {
            println!("request err1 = {}", e);
            return err(MyError("Error::InvalidUrlArgument"))
    c.send().then(|r| match r {
            Ok(cr) => {
            Err(err) => {

Still got:

expected struct futures::FutureResult, found struct futures::Then
note: expected type futures::FutureResult<_, client2::MyError<'_>>
found type futures::Then<actix_web::client::SendRequest, futures::FutureResult<_, _>, [closure@src/client2.rs:51:15: 58:11]>

I checked Future chaining - #2 by vitalyd again, the argument in the lastest closure is Result, does that determined final returning type?