Functions to implement sessions

Okay thanks all. This is what I have now:

lazy_static! {
    static ref SESSIONS : RwLock<DashMap<String, Option<u8>>> = RwLock::new(DashMap::new());

// Module for handling sessions
pub mod session_handler {
    use actix_web::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
    use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
    use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
    use sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
    use uuid::Uuid;
    use crate::*;

    // Generate session_token. Concatenation of sha256(ip_address) and a random string,
    // ip_address is included to avoid collission
    fn generate_session_token() -> String {

    // Check if a session exists by reading the cookie 'session' in the request-header
    pub fn session_exists(req: HttpRequest) -> bool {
        get_session_token(req).map_or(false, |s| s != "")

    // Retrieves the session_token from the request.
    // if none cookie is found this Option<String> will be None, otherwise
    // it will contain the session_token after unwrapping
    pub fn get_session_token(req: HttpRequest) -> Option<String> {
        Some(req.headers().get("session").and_then(|r| r.to_str().ok()).unwrap().to_string())


    // Make a HttpResponse with the NEW session_token in the header.
    pub fn set_session_token(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
        let ip_address = req

        let session_token = generate_session_token();
        let header_string = format!("session={}; Secure; HttpOnly", session_token);


            .header("Set-Cookie", header_string)

    // Save this session in the session_database
    pub fn add_session(token: String) {, None);

    // Delete a session from the session_database
    pub fn delete_session_by_token(token: String) {;
    // Unimplemented...
    pub fn delete_session_by_userid(id: u8) {

    // A user is linked to a session after authenticating himself. This Function
    // can retrieve which user is connected to which session.
    pub fn get_user_by_session(token: String) -> Option<u8> {

    pub fn set_user_by_session(token: String, user_id: u8) {
        if let Some(mut value) = {
            *value = Some(user_id);


If this is okay I'll try to actually implement it.

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