From2? or just From<(A, B)>

Suppose we have some object C which can be constructed from a pair (A, B).

Is there a From2 in Rust, or is the standard way to just use From<(A, B)> ?

From<(A, B)> is the way to go.

fn from((a, b): (A, B)) -> C {
    /// ...

I personally prefer just fn new(a: A, b: B) -> Self unless the conversion from tuple is really obvious and natural, like 2D coord


but then we might need new0, new1, new2, new3, for different pairs ...

The naming convention for constructors is:

  • Only one constructor, or one where the arguments are obvious: new
  • Multiple equally valid constructors: from_*


enum Anchor { TopLeft, Center }

impl Rectangle {
    pub fn from_corners(first: Point, second: Point) -> Self { ... }
    pub fn from_dims(dims: (f64, f64), point: Point, anchor: Anchor) -> Self { ... }

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