Hmm, I can't really tell what's going on here, is there anything else that could be related? Could it possibly be that there is another c function call that could be causing this?
Try adding a println!() right after the c function call.
This playground example shows that the Rust code, although dangerously written, works fine (all possible valid dereferences take place). The problem must come from the C code.
For a safer version, useful in more complex code, I suggest forcing the borrow on args with continuation / closure style:
impl<T> WithRef for T {}
trait WithRef {
fn with_ref<'a, R, F> (self: &'a Self, f: F) -> R
F : FnOnce(&'a Self) -> R,
fn test (iterator: impl Iterator<Item = impl Into<Vec<u8>>>)
let args = Vec::from_iter(
.filter_map(|arg| CString::new(arg).ok())
// args is guaranteed to be borrowed for the whole closure body
args.with_ref(|args| {
let c_args = Vec::from_iter(
.map(|c_string: &'_ CString| -> *const c_char {
unsafe {
c_args.len().try_into().expect("argc overflowed"),
Well, it can't be exactly that iperf_parse_arguments function since it takes an addition argument. So it is likely you have a shim around it, where the problem may in fact lie.
Could it be that argv is expected to have at least 3 elements? Remember that env::args as well as the C argv includes the executable name as the first element.
At this point, I can just suggest breaking into the debugger in the C function, or writing your own C function with compatible signature, and carefully inspect the arguments there.
While not the problem here, I would like to mention for anyone investigating things related to this, that C and C++ argv for main is expected to end with a null pointer at argv[argc]. Some consumers don't bother looking at argc and just loop until they run out of non-null elements.
Good point, this becomes "complex" enough (regarding the aforemention lack of lifetime tracking of raw pointers) that it seems to deserve its own helper function / method:
use ::std::{*,
ffi::{CStr, CString},
use ::libc::{c_char, c_int}; // 0.2.51
trait WithArgcAndArgv<Item>
Self : Borrow<[Item]>,
Item : Deref<Target = CStr>,
/// f can soundly use `unsafe` to **read** up to `argc + 1` `*const c_char` pointers out of `argv`,
/// and also dereference-read the first `argc` pointers, since they point to valid C strings.
/// The last pointer (_i.e._, the `argc + 1`-th; index `argc`) is guaranteed to be `NULL`.
fn with_argc_and_argv<'a, R, F> (self: &'a Self, f: F) -> R
F : FnOnce(c_int, NonNull<*const c_char>) -> R,
Item : 'a,
let c_strs: &'a [Item] = self.borrow();
let argc: c_int = c_strs.len().try_into().expect("argc overflowed");
let argv: Vec<*const c_char> =
.map(|c_string: &'a Item| -> *const c_char {
f(argc, unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(argv.as_ptr() as *mut _) })
impl<Item, Slf : ?Sized> WithArgcAndArgv<Item> for Slf
Slf : Borrow<[Item]>,
Item : Deref<Target = CStr>,
Not only is it always safe and sound, but it also allows using inline/stack arrays as argv when dealing with string literals, thanks to ::byte_strings::c_str! macro:
fn main ()
use ::byte_strings::c_str;
unsafe {
let test: NonNull<iperf_test> =
.expect("iperf_new_test() failed")
if iperf_defaults(test) < 0 {
panic!("iperf_defaults() failed");
[c_str!("Hello"), c_str!("World!")]
.with_argc_and_argv(|argc, argv| {
/// given the following tweaked extern declarations
extern "C" {
fn iperf_parse_arguments (
test: NonNull<iperf_test>,
argc: c_int,
argv: NonNull<*const c_char>,
fn iperf_new_test () -> Option<NonNull<iperf_test>>; // express error path at the type level
fn iperf_defaults (test: NonNull<iperf_test>) -> c_int;
fn iperf_free_test (test: NonNull<iperf_test>);