Failed to parse manifest

Do somebody know if this is something I can fix or is the problem located elsewhere?
Any input is appreciated! It doesn't seem to be related to

error: failed to parse manifest at /home/snkdb/rust/projects/try_lvgl-rs/Cargo.toml

Caused by:
Dependency 'lvgl' has different source paths depending on the build target. Each dependency must have a single canonical source path irrespective of build target.

Could you share the contents of that Cargo.toml?

Absolutely! From

lvgl = { path = "../lvgl" }
lvgl-sys = { path = "../lvgl-sys" }
embedded-graphics = "0.6"
embedded-graphics-simulator = "0.2.0"
heapless = "0.5.5"
cstr_core = { version = "0.2.0", features = ["alloc"] }

name = "demo"
path = ""

name = "bar"
path = ""

name = "button_click"
path = ""

name = "gauge"
path = ""

name = "arc"

Forgot this, added by me (from the crate)

lvgl = "0.5.2"

The problem is that you have the lvgl crate listed as a dependency in two different ways: first, as

lvgl = { path = "../lvgl" }

and second, as

lvgl = "0.5.2"

which is not allowed. Are you running this within a checkout of the lvgl-rs repository? If so, you should use the { path = "../lvgl" } form under [dependencies] as well. If you're not running in a checkout of that repo then you shouldn't be copying the project's Cargo.toml in the first place.

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Aha! I'm a newbie, that might explain it. Thank you very much!

Could you describe how you created the Cargo project where this error is occuring? (e.g. running cargo new or git clone or something else.) I think I don't fully understand the context and I might be giving you less-than-helpful advice as a result...

cargo new,
lvgl = "0.5.2,
got a lot of errors about unresolved bits &pieces,
thought they were accessible in the Cargo.toml on the site from where it came,
added everything from [dev-dependencies] and below from it

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Got it—yeah, copying the [dev-dependencies] from the Cargo.toml in that repo is probably not the way to fix your issues. If you share the build errors you mentioned:

we can help you find a solution!

With my Cargo.toml looking like:
name = "try_lvgl-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["snkdb"]
edition = "2018"

lvgl = "0.5.2"

...I got an error like this. I ought to try to take care of it before engaging ppl around me.
Perhaps I should put some more of my own work into it first?

thread 'main' panicked at The environment variable DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH is required to be defined'

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The lvgl-rs README says:

The build requires the environment variable bellow to be set:

  • DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH : Path to the directory containing the lv_conf.h header file used for configuration of LittlevGL library.

We recommend the lv_conf.h file to be in your project's root directory. If so, the command to build your project would be:

$ DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd` cargo build

The repository also has an example lv_conf.h file, albeit a bit hidden away:

Don't worry about it, we're all here to help :‌)

"The lvgl-rs README says:" I really should have tried some more, but honestly I didn't get this error until just now. Errors earlier was in red. Let's not delve into why :0)

Bowing deeply!
Then $ DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH will be the next thing tomorrow. Time runs fast here.
Thanks again!

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