i am learning rust right now, and wanted to try and json file opener. i saw that i can use std::fs::File in order to read and write to files. so i made a file_manager and also used a small file for input outout i made (just to make input a little easier). here is the code:
mod easy_io;
// easy_io is just a wrapper for std::stdin().read_line()
mod file_manager;
use std::{fs::File, io::Read};
fn main() {
let file_name: String = easy_io::input("please select a file");
let file_name: &str = file_name.trim();
let mut users_file: File = file_manager::load_file(&file_name);
let mut users: String = String::new();
users_file.read_to_string(&mut users).expect("failed to load file");
println!("{}", users);
and here is file_manager.rs:
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
pub fn load_file(name: &str) -> File{
println!("{}", Path::new(name).exists());
let file_created: File = if Path::new(name).exists() {File::open(name).expect("failed to read file")} else {File::create(name).expect("failed to create file")};
return file_created;
how does rust have no issue creating/loading the file, but fails to find it when trying to read it?