Running into an issue while working on a smart contract. Facing multiple errors, including traits not being implemented for UnorderedSet<AccountId>
and mismatched types.
code -
use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use near_sdk::store::{LookupMap, UnorderedMap, UnorderedSet};
use near_sdk::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, require, AccountId, BorshStorageKey, PanicOnDefault, NearToken};
#[derive(BorshStorageKey, BorshSerialize)]
enum StorageKey {
ProposalVoters { proposal_id: u64 },
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, PanicOnDefault)]
pub struct Contract {
tokens: LookupMap<AccountId, Token>,
token_owners: UnorderedSet<AccountId>,
proposals: UnorderedMap<u64, Proposal>,
next_proposal_id: u64,
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub struct Token {
owner_id: AccountId,
metadata: TokenMetadata,
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub struct TokenMetadata {
title: Option<String>,
description: Option<String>,
governance_role: String,
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub struct Proposal {
id: u64,
title: String,
description: String,
proposer: AccountId,
votes_for: NearToken,
votes_against: NearToken,
voters: UnorderedSet<AccountId>,
status: ProposalStatus,
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub enum ProposalStatus {
impl Contract {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
tokens: LookupMap::new(StorageKey::Tokens),
token_owners: UnorderedSet::new(StorageKey::TokenOwners),
proposals: UnorderedMap::new(StorageKey::Proposals),
next_proposal_id: 0,
pub fn mint(&mut self, account_id: AccountId, metadata: TokenMetadata) {
require!(!self.tokens.contains_key(&account_id), "Token already exists for this account");
let token = Token {
owner_id: account_id.clone(),
self.tokens.insert(account_id, token);
pub fn token_metadata(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<TokenMetadata> {
self.tokens.get(account_id).map(|token| token.metadata.clone())
pub fn is_token_owner(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> bool {
pub fn governance_role(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<String> {
self.tokens.get(&account_id).map(|token| token.metadata.governance_role.clone())
pub fn create_proposal(&mut self, title: String, description: String) -> u64 {
let account_id = env::predecessor_account_id();
require!(self.is_token_owner(account_id.clone()), "Only holders can create proposals");
let proposal_id = self.next_proposal_id;
self.next_proposal_id += 1;
let mut proposal = Proposal {
id: proposal_id,
proposer: account_id,
votes_for: NearToken::from_near(0),
votes_against: NearToken::from_near(0),
voters: UnorderedSet::new(StorageKey::ProposalVoters { proposal_id }),
status: ProposalStatus::Active,
self.proposals.insert(proposal_id, proposal);
pub fn vote(&mut self, proposal_id: u64, vote: bool) {
let account_id = env::predecessor_account_id();
require!(self.is_token_owner(account_id.clone()), "Only holders can vote");
let mut proposal = self.proposals.get(&proposal_id).expect("Proposal not found");
require!(proposal.status == ProposalStatus::Active, "Proposal is not active");
require!(!proposal.voters.contains(&account_id), "Account has already voted");
if vote {
proposal.votes_for = proposal.votes_for.saturating_add(NearToken::from_near(1));
} else {
proposal.votes_against = proposal.votes_against.saturating_add(NearToken::from_near(1));
let total_votes = proposal.votes_for.as_near() + proposal.votes_against.as_near();
if total_votes >= (self.token_owners.len() / 2 + 1) as u128 {
if proposal.votes_for > proposal.votes_against {
proposal.status = ProposalStatus::Passed;
} else {
proposal.status = ProposalStatus::Rejected;
self.proposals.insert(proposal_id, &proposal);
pub fn get_proposal(&self, proposal_id: u64) -> Option<Proposal> {
pub fn get_all_proposals(&self) -> Vec<Proposal> {
pub fn transfer(&mut self, _from: AccountId, _to: AccountId) {
//the transfer function
errors -
error[E0277]: the trait bound `UnorderedSet<AccountId>: Default` is not satisfied
--> src/
38 | #[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Default` is not implemented for `UnorderedSet<AccountId>`
= note: this error originates in the derive macro `Deserialize` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
144 | self.proposals.insert(proposal_id, proposal);
| ------ ^^^^^^^^ expected `Proposal`, found `&Proposal`
| |
| arguments to this method are incorrect
help: the return type of this call is `&Proposal` due to the type of the argument passed
--> src/
144 | self.proposals.insert(proposal_id, proposal);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--------^
| |
| this argument influences the return type of `insert`
note: method defined here
--> /home/akash/.cargo/registry/src/
487 | pub fn insert(&mut self, k: K, value: V) -> Option<V>
| ^^^^^^
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
147 | pub fn get_proposal(&self, proposal_id: u64) -> Option<Proposal> {
| ---------------- expected `std::option::Option<Proposal>` because of return type
148 | self.proposals.get(&proposal_id)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `Option<Proposal>`, found `Option<&Proposal>`
= note: expected enum `std::option::Option<Proposal>`
found enum `std::option::Option<&Proposal>`
error[E0277]: a value of type `Vec<Proposal>` cannot be built from an iterator over elements of type `&Proposal`
--> src/
152 | self.proposals.values().collect()
| ^^^^^^^ value of type `Vec<Proposal>` cannot be built from `std::iter::Iterator<Item=&Proposal>`
= help: the trait `FromIterator<&Proposal>` is not implemented for `Vec<Proposal>`
= help: the trait `FromIterator<Proposal>` is implemented for `Vec<Proposal>`
= help: for that trait implementation, expected `Proposal`, found `&Proposal`
note: the method call chain might not have had the expected associated types
--> src/
152 | self.proposals.values().collect()
| -------------- ^^^^^^^^ `Iterator::Item` is `&Proposal` here
| |
| this expression has type `UnorderedMap<u64, Proposal>`
note: required by a bound in `collect`
--> /home/akash/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/iter/traits/
2001 | fn collect<B: FromIterator<Self::Item>>(self) -> B
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `Iterator::collect`
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `account_id`
--> src/
72 | pub fn mint(&mut self, account_id: AccountId, metadata: TokenMetadata) {
| ---------- move occurs because `account_id` has type `AccountId`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
76 | owner_id: account_id,
| ---------- value moved here
80 | self.tokens.insert(account_id, token);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ value used here after move
help: consider cloning the value if the performance cost is acceptable
76 | owner_id: account_id.clone(),
| ++++++++
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `account_id`
--> src/
72 | pub fn mint(&mut self, account_id: AccountId, metadata: TokenMetadata) {
| ---------- move occurs because `account_id` has type `AccountId`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
80 | self.tokens.insert(account_id, token);
| ---------- value moved here
81 | self.token_owners.insert(account_id);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ value used here after move
help: consider cloning the value if the performance cost is acceptable
80 | self.tokens.insert(account_id.clone(), token);
| ++++++++
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `token.metadata` which is behind a shared reference
--> src/
85 | self.tokens.get(&account_id).map(|token| token.metadata)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `token.metadata` has type `TokenMetadata`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider cloning the value if the performance cost is acceptable
85 | self.tokens.get(&account_id).map(|token| token.metadata.clone())
| ++++++++
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `token.metadata.governance_role` which is behind a shared reference
--> src/
93 | self.tokens.get(&account_id).map(|token| token.metadata.governance_role)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `token.metadata.governance_role` has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: consider cloning the value if the performance cost is acceptable
93 | self.tokens.get(&account_id).map(|token| token.metadata.governance_role.clone())
| ++++++++
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `account_id`
--> src/
97 | let account_id = env::predecessor_account_id();
| ---------- move occurs because `account_id` has type `AccountId`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
98 | require!(self.is_token_owner(account_id), "Only SHLD holders can create proposals");
| ---------- value moved here
107 | proposer: account_id,
| ^^^^^^^^^^ value used here after move
note: consider changing this parameter type in method `is_token_owner` to borrow instead if owning the value isn't necessary
--> src/
88 | pub fn is_token_owner(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> bool {
| -------------- in this method ^^^^^^^^^ this parameter takes ownership of the value
help: consider cloning the value if the performance cost is acceptable
98 | require!(self.is_token_owner(account_id.clone()), "Only SHLD holders can create proposals");
| ++++++++