I have a Convert
trait that I want to implement for all numeric types. The trait in question also has a generic implementation for self-conversion I don't want to get rid of. The code I have correctly generates all the implementations for all types, but the cartesian product also includes identity conversions which are already specified by the generic implementation and I have to avoid that to get the code to compile.
Here's a isolated snippet of the code I have: Rust Playground
Is there a proc macro that stringifies two tokens and allows excluding some tokens if the token strings match?
macro_rules! inner {
($invoke: ident, [], [$(,)?$($b_rest: ty),*], [$($carry: ty),+]) => {};
($invoke: ident, [$a: ty $(,$a_rest: ty)*], [], [$($carry: ty),+]) => {
inner!($invoke, [$($a_rest),*], [$($carry),+], [$($carry),+]);
($invoke: ident, [$a: ty $(,$a_rest: ty)*], [$b: ty $(,$b_rest: ty)*], [$($carry: ty),+]) => {
$invoke!($a, $b);
inner!($invoke, [$a$(,$a_rest)*], [$($b_rest),*], [$($carry),+]);
I basically want to exclude $invoke!($a, $b);
part if string representations of $a
and $b
are equal.
It doesn't have to be a string comparison from a proc macro, but I think that's the simplest route as exclusion of tokens from a $($b_rest),*
(i.e. getting A⊗A \ {(a, a): a∈A}
) requires a proc macro as well, which is more complicated.
Both are not too hard to write, I'm just asking whether there's good already-established solutions or a way to use only declarative macros to achieve the same result.
P.S. I'm not using From
and Into
because Convert
handles conversion of external types. I need the implementation for numbers to simplify conversion of vector types.