Error wehe compile arangors

error[E0560]: struct AqlQueryBuilder<'_, (__query, (HashMap<&str, serde_json::Value>,), __count, __batch_size, __cache, __memory_limit, __ttl, __options)> has no field named _phantom

:disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:

help me for fixed this error

error[E0560]: struct AqlQueryBuilder<'_, (__query, (HashMap<&str, serde_json::Value>,), __count, __batch_size, __cache, __memory_limit, __ttl, __options)> has no field named _phantom
--> /home/hamid/.cargo/registry/src/
153 | _phantom: self._phantom,
| ^^^^^^^^ help: a field with a similar name exists: phantom

error[E0609]: no field _phantom on type AqlQueryBuilder<'a, (__query, (), __count, __batch_size, __cache, __memory_limit, __ttl, __options)>
--> /home/hamid/.cargo/registry/src/
153 | _phantom: self._phantom,
| ^^^^^^^^ help: a field with a similar name exists: phantom

The error message suggests renaming _phantom to phantom. Check carefully which types have the _ prefix on fields, and remove it where there isn't one.

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typed_builder released a semver incompatible version. See Fixed issue with typed builder on phantom data by ManevilleF ยท Pull Request #80 ยท fMeow/arangors ยท GitHub You can add typed_builder = "=0.9.0" to your Cargo.toml in the dependencies section to force the old version without the breaking change.

very very thanks :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

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