Error resulting from out-of-scope items

I'm working on this example from a book. It gives me the following error message:

6 | println!("{}", basket.apples());
| ^^^^^^ not found in this scope

Both Println!. . . and let basket. . . are inside the main function. I cant seem to figure out why "basket" is out of scope here.

Any help is always appreciated.

fn main ()
    println!("double = {}", 5_i32.double());
    println!("double = {}", 5_i64.double());
    println!("{}", basket.apples());
    let basket = Fruit
        apples: 5,
        bananas: 5,

trait Double
    fn double(&self) -> Self;

impl Double for i32
    fn double(&self) -> Self

impl Double for i64
    fn double(&self) -> Self

struct Fruit <T>
    apples: T,
    bananas: T,

impl <T: Double> Double for Fruit <T>
    fn double (&self) -> Self
            apples: self.apples.double(),
            bananas: self.apples.double(),

Please format your code properly using triple backticks.
It says basket is not in scope since it is defined after the println! statement. Move it to before that statement.


Thanks for the response. I've flipped those around as you recommended. I now have another error that I can't seem to solve:
The compiler is telling me that I'm trying to call a method, rather than access a struct field.

14 |     println!("{}", basket.apples());
   |                           ^^^^^^-- help: remove the arguments
   |                           |
   |                           field, not a method
41 | struct Fruit <T>
   | ---------------- method `apples` not found for this
fn main ()
    println!("double = {}", 5_i32.double());
    println!("double = {}", 5_i64.double());
    let basket = Fruit
        apples: 5,
        bananas: 5,
    println!("{}", basket.apples());

trait Double
    fn double(&self) -> Self;

impl Double for i32
    fn double(&self) -> Self

impl Double for i64
    fn double(&self) -> Self

struct Fruit <T>
    apples: T,
    bananas: T,

impl <T: Double> Double for Fruit <T>
    fn double (&self) -> Self
            apples: self.apples.double(),
            bananas: self.apples.double(),

you should do as the compiler suggests and remove the () after apples


yes, yes. thank you

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