Error Importing icm20948-async Crate

Hello everyone,

I tried building it and checking

the icm20948-async crate from to use it in my code, but I keep encountering an error. Can anyone explain what this error relates to and how I can fix it?

Thank you for your help!

That crate uses unstable Rust features and can only be built using nightly Rust (cargo +nightly build).

Thank you so much for answering my question! I've imported the nightly version and tried to build it again, but I'm still getting the same error. How can I fix it?

The error message is telling us exactly what is wrong: you're importing DelayUs but there is no DelayUs, there is only DelayNs.

Please use the API docs to find identifiers. For example, you can type "Delay" in the search box to see what is available.

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If you need more detailed help with your code, you'll need to post both the code and the error message. It is often useful to put a reproducible problem in the Rust playground. You share it by clicking the Share button. Then click the icon next to "Permalink to the playground", which copies the URL to the clipboard. Then paste the URL into the forum message.


Understood it completely :slight_smile: , thank you so much for pointing out these mistakes. I'm still new to this kind of community, so I really appreciate your guidance. Thanks again for your help, sir! :innocent: :pray:


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