Error-chain is no longer maintained

If someone is looking for another alternative, please check out my SNAFU crate:

A quick list of features:

  • Wraps underlying errors with additional domain-specific information
  • Provides backtraces when desired
  • Easily specify Display
  • Uses the Rust std::error::Error trait
  • Supports Rust 1.18+
  • Designed for use in libraries or applications

Using an example from above, the same functionality would look like:

#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub enum MyError {
    #[snafu(display("error while opening file: {}", source))],
    CannotOpenFile { source: io::Error },
    CannotReadData { source: io::Error },

You'd use this as


However, I'd encourage adding more detail to the error message:

#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub enum MyError {
    #[snafu(display("error while opening file {}: {}", filename.display(), source))],
    CannotOpenFile { source: io::Error, filename: path::PathBuf },
    CannotReadData { source: io::Error, filename: path::PathBuf },

And using it like:

fs::open(filename).context(CannotOpenFile { filename })?;