Ergo-pin 0.1 released

ergo-pin is an experiment in providing a more ergonomic stack-pinning API. The primary current use-case for this is in async fn, but it is also useful for other usecases of the std::pin::Pin API (e.g. usage of the unstable generator feature).

With ergo-pin you simply apply an attribute on an item, and within that item you can use the pin! macro to pin any expression:

fn get_reader() -> impl futures::io::AsyncRead + !Unpin { ... }
fn get_stream() -> impl futures::stream::Stream<Item = u32> + !Unpin { ... }

async fn foo() -> io::Result<[u8; 4]> {
    let mut buffer = [0; 4];
    pin!(get_reader()).read_exact(&mut buffer).await?;

async fn bar() {
    let mut stream = pin!(get_stream());
    while let Some(value) = {

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