Enable features only on debug/release

is it possible to enable certain Cargo.toml features only in debug or release mode?

Well, you could do something like this I guess:

#[cfg(and(debug_assertions, feature = "my-release-feature"))]
const FEATURE_CHECK_1: () = {
    compile_error!(r#"The "my-release-feature" feature is only supported in release mode."#);

#[cfg(and(not(debug_assertions), feature = "my-debug-feature"))]
const FEATURE_CHECK_2: () = {
    compile_error!(r#"The "my-debug-feature" feature is only supported in debug mode."#);

But that sounds like an unusual requirement. There's plenty of advantages to keeping features and optimizations orthogonal, especially when it comes to isolating the effect of some feature while debugging.


didn't work for me as-is... got errors...

I agree that keeping features and optimizations separate is a good idea and that I really want to just be checking for features here..

might be running into something specific with wasm-pack, filed here: How to enable features? · Issue #61 · wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin · GitHub

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