Elapsed: super tiny crate for timing blocks of code


I've finally published my first crate to crates.io: https://github.com/matklad/elapsed :blush:
It provides a single function, measureTime, which you can use like this:

let (elapsed, sum) = measure_time(|| {
println!("elapsed = {}", elapsed); // prints = 227.81 μs
println!("sum = {}", sum);

The return type wraps std::Duration to provide a useful Display implementation, so that you can concentrate on finding the bottlenecks in the code code, and not on the extracting elapsed milliseconds from a Duration.



Any reason you don't use Instant::elapsed()?

If you're taking requests, user and system time would also be nice to have. Instant is basically just "real" time. But you'd have to venture outside of std::time for these.

Thanks! I've totally forgotten that it exists! [quote="cuviper, post:2, topic:10204"]
If you're taking requests, user and system time would also be nice to have. Instant is basically just "real" time. But you'd have to venture outside of std::time for these.

Hm, that's an interesting idea. I certainly wish to profile(|| { ... }) a block of code sometimes to get different performance measures/find hotspots. I wonder if I can perf stat the process from itself...

Ooh, perf is more hardcore than I was thinking, but you could do a lot with that.

I just meant something like getrusage RUSAGE_THREAD. RUSAGE_SELF and RUSAGE_CHILDREN are also useful, with the caveat that they can't be contained to measuring just activity initiated by the closure.

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