tl;dr I'm hitting a dangling reference case, but I'm curious what the general strategy is here. Is there not one? (eg: I'm just out of luck if my object doesn't provide clone()?)
So my specific case (playground) is I have a helper method that's constructing a std::process::Command in multiple places, so I want to let the builder's initial setup be done by a private helper, but then have callers own the structure (heap or stack, I don't really care for this tiny object):
I believe the problem is: Command::new() is returning an "owned type" like I want but then once I use builders, I've switched into a "reference type" &mut Command (which is the the callout below: "you can never transfer ownership using a reference type"). I've found the the first and third sentence in redditor (u/Darksonn)'s answer really helpful:
To return an owned value, you must use an owned type. In this case that would be a String. References are always borrowed, with no exceptions, and you can never transfer ownership using a reference type.
As for the missing ampersand, it's somewhere inside the as_str method.
So my question: what's the general solution/pattern when I hit cases like this, where my goal is:
avoid copy/pasting the same N lines
ie: trying to have said lines maintained in a single location (eg: start_cmd() method)
ownership should be with the callers
the object I'm returning just happens not to be an owned type
(not general solution) said object happens to satisfy ToOwned? would that have even helped me?
(not general solution) ... similarly if it happened to provide .clone()?
You might be overcomplicating things looking for general solutions/patterns. You can usually construct owned objects inside of a function and return them. That goes for Command as well. If I want to return a reference to a local object, I just return the object itself and let the caller (mostly also me) get the reference when needed. If you are truly hell-bend on abstracting something into its own unit that needs to construct owned data first but you really want to return a reference to it, you could use a declarative macro instead of a function to avoid dropping the owned data, binding it to some secret variable in the scope of the caller.
Trying to give a different, possibly clearer, explanation:
The point at which your code paints itself into a corner is right at Command::new("cli").arg("sub-cmd"). Command::new() returns (owned) Command, but arg() takes &mut Command and returns &mut Command, so right at this point is where you have lost the ability to return Command because the Command is living in an unnamed temporary place the compiler creates for the implicit &mut borrow, so you can’t[1] retrieve it to return it.
The solution, therefore, is to specifically put the owned Command in a variable:
fn start_cmd(&self) -> Command {
let cmd: Command = Command::new("cli");
// This makes a temporary &mut borrow but doesn't consume `cmd`.
// It returns `&mut Command` but we do not use it in this case.
// return the Command, *not* &mut Command
As long as you do this, you can call as many builder methods you want in the middle.
Also, note that there are two flavors of builder pattern in Rust. Command uses this one where each builder method takes and returns &mut Self, but there is also the one where each builder method takes and returns Self (or, sometimes, returns a different type). In that case, your original code would be correct.
Aaaahh thank you for spelling this out! My goodness I can't believe I didn't see that this was happening. I even recognized the two types, but didn't think to just save my own variable (instead of continuing chaining builder-pattern). And I see now how the other replies are just tackling the same issue too.
Thanks everyone for your answers. My seeking a "pattern" was a bit of xy-problem confusion I think. (the result of my assuming I must still be misunderstanding something about what the compiler is doing, so maybe there'd be an ownership pattern people use that would show me what I misunderstood).
I think there is a general principle worth learning here, it's just a very obvious-once-understood one: if you need ownership, make sure you don't give it away. Or, differently: going from T to &T is irreversible (in the absence of cloning).