DVCompute Simulator for DES and parallel distributed DES


I’m glad to announce the first version of DVCompute Simulator available for downloading, testing and studying. This is a set of programming libraries for discrete event simulation written in Rust. They can be used for modeling both hardware and queue networks. DVCompute Simulator supports a sequential mode of simulation and the distributed optimistic Time Warp method. The latter allows the simulator to be used on super-computers. So, the simulator uses the MPI protocol, which is important for efficient simulation of large distributed models.

The simulator is commercial, but it is free for non-commercial uses only. The simulator requires an instance of DVCompute Simulator Core. There is a free PLE version of the simulator core, but it contains some limitations within simulation.

You can find additional information by the following link: https://aivikasoft.com/

Best regards,
David Sorokin

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