Drying out some Actix-web code

I have a bit of code here that looks really WET (especially given that I kinda want to add a bunch of these in here); it seems like generics really cause problems for me like this one. Is there a general approach to make this more DRY?

    let logging_on = std::env::var("BENCH_WITH_LOGGING_ON").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());

    match logging_on.as_str() {
        "1" | "on" | "true" | "t" | "y" | "yes" => HttpServer::new(|| {
        _ => HttpServer::new(|| {

It feels awful to have to capture two entire stack calls for what ought to be a couple of lines:

   if env_var is set
       then have the server add a tracing logger

macro_rules! to the rescue:

macro_rules! server {
  ($($marker:tt)?) => {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
            // discard and return the logger

Which turns all of your code in a simple:

match logging_on.as_str() {
    "1" | "on" | "true" | 
    "t" | "y" | "yes" 
      => server!(with_log),
    _else => server!(),
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I hadn't thought about macros. Thanks so much!

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For reference, in case some one else stumbles over this:

fn is_true(value: &str) -> Option<bool> {
    match value {
        "1" | "on" | "true" | "t" | "y" | "yes" => Some(true),
        "0" | "off" | "false" | "f" | "n" | "no" => Some(false),
        _ => None,

macro_rules! server {
    ( $( $marker:expr ),* ) => {
      HttpServer::new(move || {

and now...

    let with_log = std::env::var("BENCH_WITH_LOGGING_ON").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
    let with_compression = std::env::var("BENCH_WITH_COMPRESSION_ON").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());

    match (with_log.as_str(), with_compression.as_str()) {
        (x, y) if is_true(x) == Some(true) && is_true(y) == Some(true) => server!(TracingLogger::default(), middleware::Compress::default()),
        (x, y) if is_true(x) != Some(true) && is_true(y) == Some(true) => server!(middleware::Compress::default()),
        (x, y) if is_true(x) == Some(true) && is_true(y) != Some(true) => server!(TracingLogger::default()),
        _else => server!(),
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You could simplify that a bit more if you'd like

fn is_true(value: impl AsRef<str>) -> Option<bool> {
    match value.as_ref() {
        "1" | "on" | "true" | "t" | "y" | "yes" => Some(true),
        "0" | "off" | "false" | "f" | "n" | "no" => Some(false),
        _ => None,
let with_log = std::env::var("BENCH_WITH_LOGGING_ON").unwrap_or_default();
let with_compression = std::env::var("BENCH_WITH_COMPRESSION_ON").unwrap_or_default();

match (is_true(&with_log), is_true(&with_compression)) {
    (Some(true), Some(true))  => server!(TracingLogger::default(), middleware::Compress::default()),
    (Some(false), Some(true)) => server!(middleware::Compress::default()),
    (Some(true), Some(false)) => server!(TracingLogger::default())
     _else => server!(),

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