Doesn't Rust have an ORM like EF Core?

Hi, I am developing my portfolio and searching for an ORM for Rust like EF Core.

Does Have Rust a ORM like EF Core?

English is not my native language, and I am just learning it. I am very happy to be able to make a sentence like the one above, but I may make mistakes, I apologize.

I think the most popular orm in Rust is I can't compare it to .NET's entity framework core, as I'm not very versed with either technology. Just wanted to put this here in case you weren't aware. sea-orm is also quite popular.

There's also the not-an-ORM sqlx, which does the mapping objects into and out of the query, but doesn't generate queries but introspects your SQL

I tried diesel & sea-orm but none of them is like golang gorm friendly.

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