Does someone have experience writing UniMRCP plugins in Rust?

Hi friends,

I had a task that write a plugin for UniMRCP, serve our own TTS service.

I looked plugin demo of UniMRCP which was written in C

when I read resource, I found

/** Let the plugin symbols be always exported as C functions */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define MRCP_PLUGIN_EXTERN_C extern "C"
#define MRCP_PLUGIN_EXTERN_C extern

this is for C++, I'm wondering if there's any chance that plugins can be implemented by Rust?

checked UniMRCP doc, it says pluging must implements some interfaces

and UniMRCP server loads *.so 3rd party libraries.

UniMRCP implements MRCP protocol, MRCP protocol rely on SIP, SDP and RTP
just found a RTP implementation: :thinking: