Does rust really need higher kinded types?

Note @keean means higher-ranked types, not higher-kinded types (HKT):

@keean knows this, but for other readers HKT applies to the design case where(1) the return type of trait method needs to match the Self type and where the trait has type parameter(s) (e.g. associated type parametrized by lifetime which is a type parameter of the Self type for an Iterator factory method):

(1) Note HKT generally apply in any case where we parametrize a type parameter of the trait (i.e. higher order constructors), not just when Self (which btw is a type parameter) is parametrized and used as a return type, but this latter case is probably the most prolific use case of HKT.

In Scala which has HKT, we can clearly see Self is a type parameter:

trait Super[Self <: Super]

And can be HKT:

trait Super[T, Self[T] <: Super[T, Self]]