Does dyn Any support unsized types?

dyn Trait is implemented for T: 'static + ?Sized. Therefore something like the following is completely normal usage, and it compiles:

fn foo(x: &dyn Any) {
    if let Some(x) = x.downcast_ref::<usize>() {
        println!("{:?}", x);

Now, say I wanted to test if x was an &[u8]:

fn foo(x: &dyn Any) {
    if<[u8]>() {
        println!("x is [u8]");

This does not work. I can understand if downcast_ref wouldn't work directly because of the unsizedness of the interior value and the need to produce a vtable/length etc. But is<T> should work, given that it is implemented for ?Sized types. The thing is, is<T> is declared like so:

pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool;

Meaning that I can no longer put in a ?Sized type for T. Is this done on purpose or is this an erroneous oversight?

No Any doesn't support ?Sized types. This is because you can't unsize !Sized types, so there is no way to make dyn Any from a [T].

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Ah, I see, a bit of playground-ing has revealed that there is, in fact, no way to make a dyn Any where the underlying type is : ?Sized. But it still leaves to question why Any is implemented for ?Sized types.

For completenes if we get a way to convert between unsized types.

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