My crate has a non default feature required for a documentation example. I can't figure out how to tell rustdoc that a certain feature needs to be enabled.
The main advantage is that the integration tests can be run with just cargo test, instead of just hanging indefinitely. Of course this would not test everything, but it's better to test something than to hang in my opinion.
Hmmm. I've run into this when trying to provide a tested example for an optional feature; it would be lovely if a specific doctest could be tagged with a feature (set) somehow. I don't think there's any such option currently, but it would make a good feature request.
To take care of things like this you can manually use the doc attribute instead of relying on the /// sugar.
/// Documentation relevant to all users.
/// Documentation relevant to all users.
/// Documentation relevant to all users.
/// Paragraph that mentions the feature.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "feature", doc = r##"
Paragraph that only appears when feature is enabled.
// doctest that only exists when the feature is enabled
P.S. in case it isn't enabled in your default-features, don't forget to enable the feature in [] to make sure it appears in online documentation!
Thanks alot. That's really helpful. I didn't know about the existence of that way of writing docs.
In the mean time I have made the feature default and suggested people use "default-features = false". I think I'll sleep over it and reconsider the two options tomorrow.
I generally put
all-features = true
in all my crates, hoping that gets all info out there.
My mental model (which at least describes all of the behavior I've seen) is that every /// becomes its own #[doc = ...], and then they all get concatenated with an newline after each one. (so it does not replace them).
#[doc = "Documentation relevant to all users."]
#[doc = "Documentation relevant to all users."]
#[doc = "Documentation relevant to all users."]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "Paragraph that mentions the feature."]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "feature", doc = r##"
Paragraph that only appears when feature is enabled.
// doctest that only exists when the feature is enabled
which becomes the following markdown
Documentation relevant to all users.
Documentation relevant to all users.
Documentation relevant to all users.
Paragraph that mentions the feature.
Paragraph that only appears when feature is enabled.
// doctest that only exists when the feature is enabled
(the precise rules for newlines matter if you're trying to make a sentence appear conditionally rather than a paragraph)
P.S. I originally made a mistake in the previous post, the syntax is #[doc = $literal], not #[doc($literal)].