Do you feel Rust is too verbose for simple things?


  • clap crate's App structure has 2 lifetime parameters. There's been some time since I last used clap though.
  • The standard library returns &str in many places, where String would be preferred. This includes the result of slicing a String.
  • Iterators seem complex to implement. In EcmaScript you can simply define a generator [Symbol.iterator]*() {} using the yield operator. Some folks here helped me with defining iter(), but I still didn't get it at all. Delegate iteration to field Vec In reality I've not been able to make a specific type "iterable", I was just able to provide an iter() method.

OK, hard to list, because most of the time I end up wrapping some of Rust std library functionalities with my own crates, but I feel pushed to use both string types due to the standard library. I've just considered a new idea: create my own built-in objects for Rust and prelude them. However, the problem is that "" still returns &str, and that's causing the following kind of verbose code, String::from("");. include_str!() too will return &str!