May 8, 2019, 12:55am
Currently I have the following:
fn make_fields(items: &[Item]) -> syn::Fields {
if items.iter().any(|item| matches!(item, Item::Named(_))) {
} else {
syn::Fields::Unnamed(make_unnamed_fields(items.iter().map(|item| match item {
Item::Unnamed(item) => item,
Item::Named(_) => unreachable!(),
It feels like there should be a better solution that doesn't need the unreachable!
. But I'm not sure if the "Err on first that fails a mapping" then "unify Ok and Err by two different maps" operation is available and better (I couldn't find one, anyway).
May 8, 2019, 1:09am
Full context: this could probably be done with a fold.
fn make_fields(items: &[Item]) -> syn::Fields {
if items.iter().any(|item| matches!(item, Item::Named(_))) {
} else {
syn::Fields::Unnamed(make_unnamed_fields(items.iter().map(|item| match item {
Item::Unnamed(item) => item,
Item::Named(_) => unreachable!(),
fn make_named_fields<'a>(items: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Item>) -> syn::FieldsNamed {
syn::FieldsNamed {
brace_token: Default::default(),
named: items
.map(|item| match item {
Item::Named(item) => syn::Field {
attrs: vec![],
vis: parse_quote!(pub),
ident: Some(,
colon_token: Some(Default::default()),
ty: make_type(&item.item),
Item::Unnamed(item) => syn::Field {
attrs: vec![],
vis: syn::Visibility::Inherited,
ident: Some(new_uuidv4_ident()),
colon_token: Some(Default::default()),
ty: make_type(item),
fn make_unnamed_fields<'a>(items: impl Iterator<Item = &'a UnnamedItem>) -> syn::FieldsUnnamed {
syn::FieldsUnnamed {
paren_token: Default::default(),
unnamed: items
.map(|item| syn::Field {
attrs: vec![],
vis: parse_quote!(pub),
ident: None,
colon_token: None,
ty: make_type(item),
August 6, 2019, 1:16am
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