Disk_log is a High Throughout, NonBlocking Disk-based logger

disk_log is a High Throughout, NonBlocking Disk-based logger

Way need to disk_log ?

  • Non Blocking - optimized for tokio and
    don't block your scheduler for IO operation

  • Paging - disk_log distribute logs records between pages/files
    by total_page_size

  • Iterator - provide asynchronous function get_page then
    can iterate whole page (its safe for concurrent reading when disk_log write to it)

  • High Concurrency disk_log don't need to
    Mutex/RwLock for sharing between threads, its complete safe

  • Technically - disk_log inspired by erlang disk_log
    that is a heavily used in erlang , by mnesia database
    and Logger (Logger is production used Logger for Elixir)


async fn main() {

  let path = ".";
  let name = "service";
  let total_page_size = 1000;

  // Run DiskLog and get session
  let sess = DiskLog::open(path, name, total_page_size)

  // Log to page (don't block your scheduler)

  let _ = sess.log(b"Serialized data ......".to_vec()).await;

  let _ = sess.log(b"Serialized data ......".to_vec()).await;

  // very lightweight, just increment counter (mpsc::sender::clone)
  let sess1 = sess.clone();
  // Spawn task 
  tokio::spawn(async move {              
    // log by another task
    let _ = sess1.log(b"Serialized data ......".to_vec()).await;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // asynchronous get page
  let page = sess.get_page(1).await;
  match page {
       Err(e) => println!("==> {:?}", e),
       // if exist page
       Ok(mut lf) => {
             .for_each(|_record| {
               // consumer record



disk_log = "1.0.0"

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