Designing an abstraction over traits in a rules engine

For my turn-based game rules engine, I have a central trait that I use for game callbacks:

pub trait Rule<T> {
  fn on_turn_start(&self, context: &RuleContext<T>) {}

This trait has different sub-implementations for different entity types:

pub trait CreatureRule: Rule<Creatue> {}
pub trait PlayerRule: Rule<Player> {}

which ensures that each Rule gets the correct type passed to it as context and allows for callbacks that are specific to one entity type. This is cool, and I can call the trait methods on the boxed rules pretty easily by doing something like:

for rule in player.rules { rule.on_turn_start(RuleContext(player)) }

for creature in creatures {
    for rule in creature.rules { rule.on_turn_start(RuleContext(creature)) }

But now I have gotten to the point of having more different types of callbacks and different types of entities, so what I want to do is simplify things by making a helper function that invokes a callback on a configurable set of rules. I thought I could maybe do something like

pub fn execute_rules<T>(
  rules: impl Iterator<Item = Box<dyn Rule<T>>>,
  function: impl Fn(Box<dyn Rule<T>>, RuleContext<T>)) {

But this would only work for one specific type T, the type system (correctly) won't let us operate on a heterogeneous set of Rules because it can't know we are passing the correct type each time we call the function.

So what I'm wondering is whether there's a different design approach I could use here to let me safely operate over different sets of Rules without having to write out a bunch of boilerplate code each time I do it.

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You've stated the problem is that you want to dynamically dispatch on T. There're only a few ways to safely do that:

  1. Get rid of the T parameter and make RuleContext internally dynamic.
  2. Wrap the whole rule structure in a dynamic object that captures and hides the specific details concerning T, such as a closure.
  3. Use Any and attempt to down-cast into each case you want to handle.

All three of these will probably require significant restructuring of your design. Up front, I wouldn't feel comfortable making a more specific recommendation without knowing where the RuleContexts come from, what they contain, and how they need to be managed.

Option 2 is what I would probably start with, but I can't see from the code you've provided whether you're in a good position to capture and use this method. It will depend on who's building the rule sets, who's calling them, where the data can be captured, etc.

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