Design patterns for composability with traits (i.e. typeclasses)?

If you use lowercase for types, then you can't distinguish then from instance (aka variable) names except by context. In C++/Java/Scala, type parameters (aka variables) are usually all uppercase and type names are Camel case with first letter uppercase. Variable (and function/method) names are usually lower case or first letter lower case with Camel case for function names.

C was a very good language because it had a minimum of syntax. Symbol soup looks noisy. The dot operator can be thought of narrowing/accessing the type, so it makes sense we should use the dot operator for both type member access (since those members are part of the structural type even if we aren't employing structural typing else where in the language) and Type scoping is narrowing/accessing the nominal type.

Not necessarily. Did Python split any existing user base? Ruby's? Rather I think Python identified a niche for readable consistency.

If someone identifies a niche and hits that niche on the target, they can succeed.

So the key is identifying Rust's niche and focus on it.

Haskell's niche is apparently people who want to code like math. It isn't just that it is a functional language, but the lazy evaluation which enables expressing infinite series and other math.

I agree about "write only" code and as I wrote in another post today, this is likely because of Haskell's global type inference (which btw prevents a first-class union and thus Haskell can never implement my proposal in this thread).

Btw, afaics functional programming can be readable by annotating the code with the types. Afaics, readability can be higher in a functional style, if done well.

P.S. It is Sunday and I have an obligation to be at a beach party, so further replies will be delayed.