Deserialize JSON array of structs without element types using serde

I am trying to figure out how to deserialize some json I have to deal with using serde. Can it be done with attributes? I have a structure that matches the contents, but the standard serialize has the structure name.
This is the JSON I want to load:

		"User": "user",
		"Password": "xx",
		"User": "root",
		"Password": "pwd",

I have a struct with deserialize defined and tried deserializing Vec<UserStruct>
This is what serde is expecting with my current attempts:

	UserStruct { 
		User: "u1", 
		Password: "u1p", 
	UserStruct { 
		User: "u2", 
		Password: "u2p", 

I have a struct with deserialize defined and tried deserializing Vec<UserStruct>

any suggestions welcome.

mind sharing those current attempts?

For comparison, ⟶ this expects the format you want (apart from trailing commas)

Also make sure to wrap Rust code in

code here

and plain text (no highlighting) in

my text here


my text here

For example Rust-highlighting works reasonably for JSON, too, or you could use javascript hightlighting. See this pinned post.

        "User": "user",
        "Password": "xx"
        "User": "root",
        "Password": "pwd"

Thanks, I will dig a bit deeper, and post the results. This looks similar to what I was doing, so it may be something stupid on my part.

So it turns out I was misinterpreting the problem at the end of a long day.
As you indicated above it does what I wanted.
It wasn't that there isn't the UserStruct, it is that the data I am being passed has a higher level wrapper around it. A combination of misreading the error message and looking at the wrong debug output confused me.
So I just needed to handle the top level and it worked fine.
Thank you again for the help, and the helpful edit that made the posting much more readable. I format better next time.


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