Derive serde Deserialize with generic constraint

I'm trying to create a struct like so:

pub struct MyStruct<T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned>
    T: 'static,
   pub field: Type,
pub generic_field:T

But I can't see how to satisfy the Deserialize. Rust emits this message:

type annotations needed: cannot satisfy `T: _::_serde::Deserialize<'de>`
cannot satisfy `T: _::_serde::Deserialize<'de>`

Here is part of output of the Deserializer derive from ra:

  impl < 'de,T:Serialize+DeserializeOwned>_serde::Deserialize< 'de>for MyStruct<T>where T: 'static,T:_serde::Deserialize< 'de>{
    fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer:__D) -> _serde::__private::Result<Self,__D::Error>where __D:_serde::Deserializer< 'de> ,{
      enum __Field {

The line it specifically complains at is:
''static,T:_serde::Deserialize< 'de>'

Any help would be appreciated!

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I expect this has probably been asked before, but I have not been able to word it in a satisfactory for google to be of much help.

You can just remove the constraints, the derive will take care of it.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MyStruct<T>
    T: 'static,
   pub field: Type,
   pub generic_field: T,

In general, you don't need to add constraints to structs. You can just add the exact constraints you need to whatever functions or methods need them.


If you need to, you can add a #[serde(bound = "T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned")] attribute to MyStruct if you only want it to be deserialized under certain conditions.

use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound = "T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned")]
struct MyStruct<T: DeserializeOwned> {
    generic_field: T,


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Thank you!

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