Declare a struct with generated & user-given data


I'm new to Rust, and now I'm trying to make a simple demo project. Now, I'm trying to do anything like this:

struct Anything {
    V1: i64,
    V2: i64,

impl Anything {
    fn new() -> Anything {
        Anything {
			V1: 10 + 10

fn main() {
    let var = Anything::new() {
		V2: 40
    println!("Result: {}", var.V1 + var.V2);
    // Result: 60

...but I really don't know how to do it. I've tried various times here, but without success. Is it possible? If not, is there any (idiomatic) way to do anything like this?

In safe Rust a structure cannot exist in a half-uninitialized state, so your new() must produce a full, complete structure, or at least initialize all fields to some default/placeholder values.

One option is to require all input before the object is created:

   fn new(other_value: i64) -> Anything {
        Anything {
			V1: 10 + 10, 
			V2: other_value,

To simplify initialization of structures Rust has Default trait and Struct {..default_values} syntax. You can implement Default trait for your structure.

With #[derive(Default)] you can use a built-in Default implementation, which makes everything 0:

struct Anything {


        Anything {
			V1: 10 + 10,

let mut var = Anything::new(); 
var.V2 = 40

or you can even write your own impl Default for Anything and make V1: 20 the default, so the final code could look like:

let var: Anything {
    V2: 40,

I've already tested the fn (other_value: i64) method, but sometimes the user can add nothing as the "V2" value, so I wanted an option that allows the user to simply ignore the "V2" and use a placeholder value to be filled on another function. Using a already-placed value seemed as a "unnecessary overhead" at runtime, since all the data on the struct will be filled by a user or by the program itself (Ok, probably rustc can optimize it, but...).

However, using ..Default::default() worked without problems. Thank you very much, and sorry for taking so long to answer back. Here's my code, with some testing of ..Default::default():

struct Anything {
    V1: i64,
    V2: i64,
    V3: i64,

impl Anything {
    fn new() -> Anything {
        Anything { V1: 10 + 10, ..Default::default() }
    fn V3(&mut self, other_value: i64) -> Anything {
        Anything { V3: other_value, ..Default::default() }

fn main() {
    let mut var = Anything::new();
    var.V2 = 40;
    println!("V1: {}\nV2: {}\nV3: {}\nResult: {}",
             var.V1 + var.V2 + var.V3);
    // Expected Result: 80 (20 + 40 + 20)
    // If error, Expected: 20 (0 + 0 + 20)
    // Actual Result: 60 (20 + 40 + 0)

Ok, It isn't working as expected, but I will search more about this. Thank you very much!

Ok, just one more question: Is there a way to modify more than one value of the struct? (I've tried using ..Default::default() on "V3", but it didn't work (the value tried to modify remained "0").

Your V3 function does not modify Anything, but returns a completely new object. It should be

fn V3(&mut self, other_value: i64) {
   self.V3 = other_value;

I've forgotten of it. But I've added this just for testing, because I want to modify more than one struct without repeating "Anything.". I know that I can do anything like this:

fn V3(&mut self, any_value: i64, other_value: i64) {
        Anything.V2 = any_value,
        Anything.V3 = other_value

...but using Anything. every time I want to modify a value is repetitive, even when I want to modify various values at the same time.

See Structs

You can specify multiple fields:

Anything { V1: one_value, V3: other_value, ..Default::default() }

or base the new value on the old instance rather than the defaults:

Anything { V3: other_value, ..*self }

(you may have to #[derive(Clone, Copy)] for that one)

This doesn't work anyway, it should be self.V2 = any_value etc. And no, there is no shorthand to avoid writing self in this case.

When you want to replace most values, you can do

*self = Anything { V1: xxx, V2: yyy };

in a &mut self method.

@kevinmehall and @birkenfeld, thank you for the help. Using both *self and ..*self is working fine:

struct Anything {
    v1: i64,
    v2: i64,
    v3: i64,

impl Anything {
    fn new() -> Anything {
        Anything { v1: 10 + 10, ..Default::default() }
    fn v3(&mut self, any_value: i64, other_value: i64) {
        *self = Anything {
            v2: any_value,
            v3: other_value,

fn main() {
    let mut var = Anything::new();
    var.v2 = 40;
    var.v3(60, 20);
    println!("V1: {}\nV2: {}\nV3: {}\nResult: {}",
             var.v1 + var.v2 + var.v3);
    // Result: 100 (20 + 60 + 20)