I have an in memory database like object, which is a collection of owned structs, and then multiple views into that collection, allowing fast access based upon different field types. For example, this code:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
struct Movie {
name: &'static str,
year: i32,
rating: i32,
struct MovieDb {
list: Vec<Movie>,
by_year: BTreeMap<i32, Vec<usize>>,
by_rating: BTreeMap<i32, Vec<usize>>,
impl MovieDb {
fn get_first_by_year(&self, year: i32) -> &Movie {
let index = &self.by_year[&year];
// TODO: Error handling.
fn build_movie_db() -> MovieDb {
let mut list = vec![];
list.push(Movie{name: "The Thing", year: 1982, rating: 9});
list.push(Movie{name: "The Matrix", year: 1999, rating: 10});
list.push(Movie{name: "Memento", year: 2000, rating: 8});
list.push(Movie{name: "Alien", year: 1979, rating: 9});
let mut by_year = BTreeMap::new();
let mut by_rating = BTreeMap::new();
for (i, m) in list.iter().enumerate() {
MovieDb{list: list, by_year: by_year, by_rating: by_rating}
fn main() {
let db = build_movie_db();
println!("{:?}", db);
let m1 = db.get_first_by_year(1999);
println!("{:?}", m1);
let m2 = db.get_first_by_year(1982);
println!("{:?}", m2);
let m3 = db.get_first_by_year(1999);
println!("{:?}", m3);
This works, but it feels strange to need to store indexes as int lists. What if the owning collection isn't a Vec, but a linked list, or something else? I understand that storing normal references isn't possible, due to lifetimes, but I got a version working with raw pointers.
struct MovieDb {
list: Vec<Movie>,
by_year: BTreeMap<i32, Vec<*const Movie>>,
by_rating: BTreeMap<i32, Vec<*const Movie>>,
impl MovieDb {
fn get_first_by_year(&self, year: i32) -> &Movie {
let list = &self.by_year[&year];
unsafe { &*list[0] }
for m in list.iter() {
let p = m as *const Movie;
Is this the best I can do? Is there no in-between data type or technique I can use to have non-owned, but lifetime-safe references to data I know already exists? What if I'm sure that my collection will never be modified while my views are being instantiated?